2024 - 7


Overview of SearchGPT

SearchGPT is an AI-powered search engine developed by OpenAI that can access information from across the internet in real time. It combines traditional search engine technology with the latest AI technology, creating a new generation of search engines. Now, this product is currently in a limited beta test, and you can apply for a trial on the official website.

It is worth noting that the AI search engine product model was not first introduced by OpenAI. Another prominent tech startup, Perplexity AI, was the first to gain a large number of users and favorable reviews in this product direction. Although the tech community and media often criticize products like Perplexity AI for relying on OpenAI or Google technology with low technical moats of their own, the fact that OpenAI, a star AI company, is also pushing in this direction indicates that this product direction has been recognized by mainstream tech companies.

Advantages Compared to Traditional Search Engines

1.Designed to Give You an Answer, Not Several Results

Unlike Google or Bing, where you enter a keyword and get a results page with a list of relevant content that you have to click on, AI search engines like SearchGPT prioritize giving you an answer based on your keyword. For some search scenarios, you can get more relevant results faster, saving your search time.

The image below shows the result of searching "when can I see nudibranchs in Half Moon Bay this weekend" in SearchGPT.

2.More Relevant Search Results

AI search engines can provide more relevant search results. Part of this comes from the AI model's better understanding of your search queries and online content.

Another important reason is that AI search engines can have continuous memory conversations like humans. Through such conversations, AI search engines can better understand your search intentions and thus are more likely to provide more relevant search results.

Below is the search result generated from a follow-up question to my initial query.


3.Richer Search Result Presentation

AI search engines can quickly provide a search answer based on this single piece of data, presenting search results in the form of mind maps, PPTs, PDF documents, which traditional search engines cannot do.

Don't underestimate this capability. I know an AI search engine developer whose mind map feature was immediately praised by some users upon launch, resulting in significant user growth and long-term word-of-mouth spread. Later, he included this capability in subscription plan, and some customers were willing to pay for it.

The image below shows the mind map presentation capability of the AI search engine Thinkany.
From the current SearchGPT promotional video and beta user trials, it does not yet have this capability, but it will certainly have it in the future.

Advantages Compared to Other Search Engines

1.Much faster

Since most other AI search engines call OpenAI or deploy open-source AI large language models to call AI capabilities, their response speed can not match that of an AI search engine directly made by OpenAI. In fact, this is the case, as a beta user on X tested SearchGPT and praised its very fast generation speed.


2.Potentially Better Search Results

As mentioned earlier, many AI search engines rely on OpenAI's capabilities. Although their teams have the ability to fine-tune models and have received some positive reviews, the OpenAI team's understanding and fine-tuning capabilities of the underlying model are not on the same level as theirs.

It is said that OpenAI does not directly use existing Google results as the data source like other AI search engines but builds a set of web content indexes more suitable for AI search engines. This work is extremely large and complex, but in the long term, controlling these web indexes themselves can better control the search results of AI search engines.

An X user with not many followers searched for his name on SearchGPT and Perplexity AI. SearchGPT gave the correct result, but Perplexity did not find it.

3.Foundation for Ecological Cooperation

SearchGPT's official announcement specifically mentioned exploring better collaboration with content publishers and creators during the beta period. If OpenAI can handle issues related to copyright, abuse, and benefit distribution with original content providers, it will be a huge product moat.

Because one long-standing criticism of AI search engines is that they directly use content creators' content without giving any benefit to the creators. While this is not a major issue when AI search engines' market share is not large, it will undoubtedly cause huge controversy once AI search engines' share overtakes traditional search engines.

If You Want to Learn More About SearchGPT and AI Search Engines

1.Try Deploying Open Source Projects

If you are a developer, you can try deploying AI search engines to gain more insight.

2.Use AI Search Engine Products More

Here are three AI search engines I often use, each with its own characteristics that you can try:

  • Perplexity
  • ThinkAny
  • Genspark

Outlook for SearchGPT and OpenAI

OpenAI has started developing AI search engines, leveraging its strong technical capabilities and inherent advantages. This will likely first impact the market share of existing AI search engine products. Whether it will truly affect Google's market share remains to be seen. However, based on current product data from AI search engines, it has indeed brought new product experiences and attracted a group of loyal customers. We have reason to believe that it could potentially spark a new platform ecosystem in the future.

Whether SearchGPT can become the ultimate winner in this ecosystem is not certain. After all, OpenAI's previously launched plugin store and GPTs store were highly anticipated, but the results did not meet market expectations. OpenAI has proven itself to be a technologically powerful company, but it still needs to prove that it can create better platform products and successfully operate a platform ecosystem.

One picture to summarize about SearchGPT

Analysis of SearchGPT.png

About Us

We are an AI audio team planning to develop AI-based audio recognition, audio generation, and audio search in the future. This is our current text-to-speech generator based on TikTok popular sounds. welcome to use it:TikTok Voice

Введение в голос C-3PO

C3PO Voice text to speech

Происхождение голоса

Голос C-3PO предоставлен Энтони Дэниелсом, который озвучил C-3PO не только в оригинальной трилогии, но и продолжил озвучивать этого персонажа в последующих фильмах, анимациях и видеоиграх «Звездных войн». Актерское мастерство Дэниелса сделало голос C-3PO одной из его культовых черт, мгновенно узнаваемой зрителями по всему миру.

Характеристики голоса

Голос C-3PO имеет несколько отличительных черт. Он обладает британским акцентом высшего класса, придавая роботу утонченный, но несколько преувеличенный тон. Более того, C-3PO говорит быстро, с сложными синтаксическими конструкциями, отражающими его вежливую и тщательную личность. Его голос часто передает чувство тревоги и нервозности, что идеально соответствует его чертам характера и усиливает комический эффект.

Почему голос C-3PO популярен

Уникальный голос

Часть глобальной привлекательности голоса и характера C-3PO объясняется выдающимся исполнением Энтони Дэниелса и уникальной вокальной подачей. Кроме того, юмор и ирония в репликах C-3PO в фильмах оставили неизгладимое впечатление на зрителей. С популярностью серии «Звездных войн» голос C-3PO стал культурным символом, часто имитируемым и упоминаемым в различных медиа за пределами фильмов.

Рост социальных сетей

В последние годы бурный рост короткого видеоконтента на платформах, таких как TikTok и YouTube, сделал контент с голосом C-3PO весьма вирусным, представив его более широкой глобальной аудитории.

Прогресс в аудиотехнологиях ИИ

Наконец, достижения в области ИИ и аудио-видео технологий позволили создателям не только использовать голос C-3PO из фильмов, но и генерировать его с помощью синтезаторов речи. Это значительно увеличило количество и разнообразие видеоконтента с темой C-3PO.

Введение в популярные случаи использования голоса C-3PO

В основном с TikTok и YouTube.

Как работают инструменты синтеза речи C-3PO

Как машины говорят?

Мы можем научить компьютеры говорить как C-3PO с помощью технологии, называемой Text-to-Speech (TTS), аналогично тому, как люди учатся говорить. Компьютеры должны понимать значение текста и правильно произносить каждое слово.

Делание голоса похожим на C-3PO

Чтобы компьютерный голос звучал как C-3PO, нам нужно два элемента: коллекция голосовых образцов C-3PO для обучения компьютера и использование сложных языковых моделей, таких как GPT, которые помогают компьютеру более естественно имитировать стиль речи C-3PO.

Обучение компьютеров говорить

Точно так же, как мы учим детей говорить, мы можем научить говорить и компьютеры. Изучив голос C-3PO и используя умные инструменты, компьютеры могут говорить любой текст голосом C-3PO.

Обзор 3 генераторов голоса C-3PO

1. TikTok Voice

🥇 Лучший инструмент синтеза речи для голоса C-3PO
C3PO Voice text to speech

C3PO Voice text to speech

Что нам нравится в TikTok Voice:

  • Использует новейшие технологии синтеза речи на основе ИИ с 2024 года.
  • Обладает высокой скоростью генерации.
  • Поддерживает более 10 языков и различные голоса для социальных сетей.
  • Бесплатен и не требует загрузки.

Что можно улучшить:

  • Ограничено генерацией 500 символов за один раз.

2. 101soundboards

🥈 Лучший инструмент синтеза речи для голоса C-3PO
C3PO Voice text to speech

Что нам нравится в 101soundboards:

  • Зрелая и классическая модель TTS.
  • Обширная библиотека предварительно сгенерированных звуков, доступных для немедленного использования и загрузки.
  • Бесплатен и не требует загрузки.

Что можно улучшить:

  • Замечательно медленная генерация звуков.

3. VoxBox Voice Generator

🥉 Лучший инструмент синтеза речи для голоса C-3PO

C3PO Voice text to speech

Что нам нравится в VoxBox Voice Generator:

  • Традиционная модель TTS.
  • Приемлемая скорость генерации.

Что можно улучшить:

  • Поддерживает только клиент Windows; несовместим с Mac или веб-платформами.

Как использовать генератор голоса C-3PO (пошагово)

Вот руководство, использующее TikTok Voice в качестве примера:

1. Откройте веб-сайт TikTok Voice.

C3PO Voice text to speech

2. Выберите подходящий язык и голос.

C3PO Voice text to speech
C3PO Voice text to speech

3. Введите текст, который хотите сгенерировать в речь.

C3PO Voice text to speech

4. Сгенерируйте голос.

C3PO Voice text to speech

5. Скачайте файл.

C3PO Voice text to speech

Личный опыт настройки генератора синтеза речи

Совет 1: Используйте пунктуацию для регулировки пауз

Если временные промежутки в сгенерированном голосе кажутся неправильными, попробуйте добавить пунктуацию для достижения соответствующих пауз.

Совет 2: Используйте настройку скорости 0,9x

Если скорость речи слишком высокая, рассмотрите возможность настройки скорости трека до 0,9x в инструментах редактирования, хотя снижение ее еще больше может ухудшить качество звука.

Совет 3: Сгенерируйте несколько раз и объедините лучшие сегменты

Если качество звука не идеальное, попробуйте сгенерировать несколько раз, чтобы найти лучший сегмент. Если только часть звукового файла хороша, используйте инструменты для редактирования видео или аудио, чтобы вырезать и объединить его.

Суммируйте эту статью в одной картинке:



C3PO Voice text to speech






















1. TikTok Voice

🥇 C3POの声に最適なテキスト読み上げツール
C3PO Voice text to speech

C3PO Voice text to speech

TikTok Voiceの良い点:

  • 最新の2024年AIテキスト読み上げ技術を利用。
  • 高速な生成スピード。
  • 10以上の言語と様々なソーシャルメディアの声に対応。
  • 無料でダウンロード不要。


  • 1回の使用で500文字までの制限あり

2. 101soundboards

🥈 C3POの声に最適なテキスト読み上げツール
C3PO Voice text to speech


  • 成熟したクラシックなTTSモデル。
  • 即時使用およびダウンロード可能な膨大な事前生成されたサウンドライブラリ。
  • 無料でダウンロード不要。


  • 音声生成が遅い。

3. VoxBox Voice Generator

🥉 C3POの声に最適なテキスト読み上げツール

C3PO Voice text to speech

VoxBox Voice Generatorの良い点:

  • 伝統的なTTSモデル。
  • 受け入れ可能な生成速度。


  • Windowsクライアントのみ対応; Macやウェブプラットフォームには対応していない。


TikTok Voiceを参照としてガイドを紹介します:

1. TikTok Voiceのウェブサイトを開く。

C3PO Voice text to speech

2. 適切な言語と声を選択する。

C3PO Voice text to speech
C3PO Voice text to speech

3. 音声にしたいテキストを入力する。

C3PO Voice text to speech

4. 声を生成する。

C3PO Voice text to speech

5. ファイルをダウンロードする。

C3PO Voice text to speech


ヒント1: 句読点を使用してポーズを調整


ヒント2: 0.9倍速調整を使用


ヒント3: 複数回生成してベストセグメントをスプライスする


Introduction to C-3PO Voice

C3PO Voice text to speech

Origin of the Voice

The voice of C-3PO is provided by Anthony Daniels who not only voiced C-3PO in the original trilogy but has continued to voice the character in subsequent Star Wars films, animations, and video games. Daniels' voice acting skills have made C-3PO’s voice one of its iconic features, instantly recognizable to audiences worldwide.

Characteristics of the Voice

C-3PO's voice has several distinctive traits. It carries a British upper-class accent, lending the robot a sophisticated yet somewhat exaggerated tone. Furthermore, C-3PO speaks quickly, with complex sentence structures reflecting his polite and meticulous personality. His voice often conveys a sense of anxiety and nervousness, which aligns perfectly with his character traits, enhancing the comedic effect.

Why the C-3PO Voice is Popular

Unique Voice

Part of the global appeal of C3PO's voice and character is due to Anthony Daniels' outstanding performance and unique vocal portrayal. Additionally, the humor and irony in C-3PO's lines in the films have left a lasting impression on audiences. With the popularity of the Star Wars series, C-3PO’s voice has become a cultural symbol often imitated and referenced across various media beyond the films.

Rise of Social Media

In recent years, the surge in short video content on platforms like TikTok and YouTube has made content featuring the C3PO voice highly viral, introducing it to a broader global audience.

Advancements in AI Audio Technology

Lastly, advancements in AI and audio-video technology have enabled creators not only to use C-3PO’s voice from the movies but also to generate it using text-to-speech generators. This has significantly increased the quantity and diversity of C3PO-themed video content.

Introduction to Popular Cases Using C3PO Voice

Mainly from TikTok and YouTube.

How C-3PO Voice Text-to-Speech Tools Work

How Do Machines Speak?

We can teach computers to speak like C3PO through a technology called Text-to-Speech (TTS), similar to how humans learn to speak. Computers need to understand the text's meaning and how to pronounce each word smoothly.

Making the Voice Sound Like C3PO

To make a computer's voice sound like C3PO, we need two things: a collection of C3PO’s voice samples for the computer to learn from, and the use of sophisticated language models like GPT which help the computer mimic C3PO's speaking style more naturally.

Teaching Computers to Speak

Just as we teach children to talk, we can also teach computers to speak. By learning C3PO’s voice and using smart tools, computers can speak any text in C3PO’s voice.

Review of 3 C3PO Voice Generators

1. TikTok Voice

🥇 Best Text-to-Speech Tool for C3PO Voice

C3PO Voice text to speech

What We Like About TikTok Voice:

  • Utilizes the latest AI text-to-speech technology from 2024.
  • Features rapid generation speeds.
  • Supports more than 10 languages and various social media voices.
  • Free and no download required.

What Could Be Improved:

  • Limited to generating 500 characters per use

2. 101soundboards

🥈 Best Text to Speech Tool For C3PO Voice
C3PO Voice text to speech

What We Like About 101soundboards:

  • Mature and classic TTS model.
  • Extensive library of pre-generated sounds available for immediate use and download.
  • Free and no download necessary.

What Could Be Improved:

  • Notably slow in sound generation.

3. VoxBox Voice Generator

🥉 Best Text to Speech Tool For C3PO Voice

C3PO Voice text to speech

What We Like About VoxBox Voice Generator:

  • Traditional TTS model.
  • Acceptable generation speed.

What Could Be Improved:

  • Supports only Windows client; not compatible with Mac or web platforms.

How to Use C3PO Voice Text-to-Speech Generator (Step-by-Step)

Here’s a guide using TikTok Voice as a reference:

1. Open TikTok Voice Website.

C3PO Voice text to speech

2. Select the appropriate language and voice.

C3PO Voice text to speech
C3PO Voice text to speech

3. Enter the text you want to generate into speech.

C3PO Voice text to speech

4. Generate the voice.

C3PO Voice text to speech

5. Download the file.

C3PO Voice text to speech

Personal Adjustments Experience with Text-to-Speech Generator

Tip 1: Use punctuation to adjust pauses

If the pause timing in the generated voice doesn’t seem right, try adding punctuation to achieve appropriate pauses.

Tip 2: Use 0.9x speed adjustment

If the speech speed is too fast, consider adjusting the track speed to 0.9x in editing tools, though lowering it further may degrade sound quality.

Tip 3: Generate multiple times and splice the best segments

If the sound quality isn’t ideal, try generating multiple times to find the best segment. If only a part of a sound file is good, use video or audio editing tools to cut and splice it.

One picture to summarize this article:
